a collection of notes on witchcraft and witchery by Bridget Eileen

Take me to the blog!
Notebook Witch is an online grimoire-plus-commonplace book-plus-personal essay collection by me, Bridget Eileen Madden.
At the Notebook Witch blog, I have posts about my spiritual practice, witchcraft and witchery at large, and news about my “Notebook Witchery.” (See the “What Is Notebook Witch” for an explanation of this term.)
This means that blog post topics vary. I have posts about the basics within modern witchcraft and modern paganism, like posts about the Sabbats. I also have event information for my endeavors in the arts, particularly the literary arts. Posts will cover anything from book reviews to witchy events to thoughts on spirituality and social justice–and how the two things are intrinsically linked, to my mind. Or I’ll post about things like recipes for homemade air freshener using moon water; how to incorporate witchcraft into every-day living; places to visit for witchy tourism, like Salem and New Orleans, and lots lots lots more!
The Notebook Witch blog is growing slowly as I try to fit in posts during an absurdly busy time period. But stay tuned as the blog grows, and be sure to follow NotebookWitch on social media, and TheNotebookWitch on Instagram, for more frequently posted content.

What Is a Notebook Witch?
I made up the term “notebook witch” for myself. There are all kinds of witches: kitchen witches, green witches, eclectic witches, poetry witches, Christian witches, Wiccan witches, etc etc. And, of course, there are witches who would rather not have a label.
I picked “notebook witch” for my descriptor because I use notebooks of all kinds to sort, track, process, and preserve my thoughts, plans, life in general, including my spiritual practice as a witch.
I have a bullet journal with inserts for various kinds of spreads. I do my Artist’s Way morning pages (almost) every day. I write almost all my poetry in longhand before I type it up. And I have notebooks that function as grimoires/commonplace books for notes on my spiritual practice. Then I publish these notes, when I can carve out the time, here on this blog.
That is why I consider myself a “notebook witch.”
Learn more about the Notebook Witch blog at the About page.

Which witch?
Hi! I am Bridget Eileen. I live in Rhode Island. I am a writer. And I describe myself as a modern pagan Unitarian Universalist solitary eclectic notebook witch from Rhode Island.
What does that whole mouthful even mean? I explain each bit–and a lot more about my spiritual practice and identity–at the “Which Witch?” page.
Besides blogging on witchcraft, I also do other writerly and literary stuff. Find links to these endeavors under the “Bridget Eileen” tab on this website and the Literary Arts category on the blog.
Head to the contact page to learn how to get in touch!