
Notebook Witch: Notes on Witchcraft and Witchery

Notebook Witch by Bridget Eileen is a blog dedicated to exploring witchcraft, paganism/modern paganism, and other earth-based spiritual practices.

Notebook Witch is an online grimoire-plus-commonplace book. It is an open-access notebook, so to speak, where I post about all of the books, shops, sites, social media, objects, altars, practices, art, poetry, literarture, people, events, experiences, etc etc that I encounter and consider relevant to my spiritual practice as a Solitary Eclectic Pantheist Modern Pagan Witch.

We live in a remarkable time in which more and more witches feel safe “coming out of the broom closet,” (to turn a phrase). With a proliferation of resources on witchcraft, it’s hard to keep track of what is out there and the quality of those resources.

Additionally, I spend a lot of time thinking about this spiritual path and practice of mine, and I do a lot of collecting and curating on the subject of witchcraft and witchery. That is why I have decided to dedicate a website and blog on the subject.

The blog is currently in “soft launch” mode, but you can follow my accounts on social media as add more content to the blog. My hope is to have regular posts on a weekly basis, once I am able to settle into schedule. I’m excited for this new venture!!!

Notebook Witch by Bridget Eileen

This site is also the “hub” for information about my other endeavors. I have my bio page, links to my other blogs, information about the literary clubs I run, and contact information on this site. See the pages under “Bridget Eileen” at the drop down menu in the top right corner of any page on this site for details.

Follow @NotebookWitch