One Year Since Notebook Witch Was Started

Happy Samhain! It’s officially been a year since I woke up and decided to start that witchcraft blog I’d been mulling over for a while! And how is it going? Well, in truth, it’s okay…I’m actually writing this opening part of the post a month after Samhain because, as I’ll explain in a moment, this year has been RIDICULOUSLY busy.
Still, I’m glad I’m finally fitting in a time to make yet another Samhain graphic, which you are welcome to use for your social media. (Bonus, since I didn’t post it this year on my own social media, I can use it for next year!)
Why Samhain Is a Good Time of Year to Start a New Adventure
It’s the New Year! In a witch-y sense. Samhain is the final harvest holiday so it’s the end of one year of rest, sow, grow, then reap. The quietude of the resting period is a great time to make plans for the future.
I don’t save resolutions for the start of the calendar year. I do them at various times throughout the year. Like in September, since I work in higher education, I do a New Academic Year Resolution each year. It may or may not be directly related to work. Sometimes it’s a thing to help me be more productive at work, like KonMari-ing the office. Sometimes it’s a thing to make a better work-life balance for myself, like do Tori Amos’s post-show skin care regime each night (failing at that elaborate regimen, but at least I’m at least washing and moisturizing my face before bed, as opposed to falling asleep in my makeup and waking up look like a member of the rock band KISS).
My Samhain resolution this year is to get a 10-minute walk in each afternoon. But last year, it was to start this website…
A Year Since Notebook Witch Started: Samhain 2021-Samhain 2022
So, why have I been so busy? Well, I did take some time out around the actual Sabbat to make a Facebook post about what has kept me from being more prolific in official blog posts. And with that preamble, I’ll copy and paste below.
I started Notebook Witch right around Samhain last year. I’ve built the website, established the social media accounts, and posted a decent amount of blog posts.
Not bad for a year in which I also:
- started working in-person again (hour commute each way)
- moved (albeit up one story but no matter how far you go, it’s still a pain)
- moved my mom up from New Orleans
- started another book club (Tori Amos Book Club)
- kept Boston Austen Book Club going
- expanded Boston Poetry Marathon to a hybrid event
- kept the fundraiser aspect of BPM going and raised almost $1000 each for the Eastern Massachusetts Abortion Fund and Rhode Island’s The Womxn Project
- won a seat on my city’s Democratic Committee
- was sick with the worst (non-covid) virus I’ve ever had
- had a bad break up; was sad; started trying to date again
- started “The Artist’s Way” and kept up with my Morning Pages almost every day
- was tested for ADHD and diagnosed with inattention issues due to anxiety and ‘porr sleep hygiene’
- started going to therapy for my anxiety
- worked on better sleep hygiene and practices
- started becoming a morning person
- lived my plain old day-to-day life with chores, errands, grown up tasks, and the all-important rest
Hmmm. Before I listed out all those things, I hadn’t even realized how much I’d been up to and was kinda feeling bad I hadn’t had more posts up on the blog. Now I’m surprised I was able to do anything at all!
Well, thanks to everyone who is supporting the page! I appreciate your interest as I explore what’s going on in the witch and modern pagan community-at-large, what’s going on locally, and what I’m up to on my own as a solitary eclectic neopagan witch.
Here’s to whatever else I get up to in the next year of Notebook Witch!