Word Witch

Our Mother (The Earth’s Prayer)

Poem Prayer for Neopagans to Recite During the Lord’s Prayer

A poem-prayer for neopagans, witches, and other people with an earth-based spiritual practice to recite during the Lord’s Prayer

A little while ago, I was at a wake for an uncle of mine and the service ended with the Lord’s Prayer. I wanted to pray, too, but I’m not Christian at all (I know some people identify as Christian witches). So, I decided I would write something I could say instead of the Lord’s Prayer.

I kept with the rhythm of the Lord’s Prayer and many of the words, if not the consonance of them, as often as I could. That way, it will be easier to either insert the variation into my head (& thus heart) or even say it aloud, without being intrusive to those who are reciting their prayer.

And now I’m sharing with you, in case you find it helpful as well! Please keep it however you need to in order to make it useful for yourself. If you share it on, I do appreciate the credit ♥️

Our Mother (The Earth’s Prayer)

Our Mother, who art within us
Honored be thy work
Thy loving light
Thy giving dark
This Earth, it is our heaven
Give us the strength to honor you
And help us listen, too
That we listen well the lessons you teach us
And lead us always with your nature
Which is neither good nor evil
For thine is a cycle
A power to be gloried
Forever and ever
Bless’d Be

poem by Bridget Eileen