The Most Epic Playlist Featuring All Up-Tempo Music
Songs from Around the Globe in Multiple Genres Featuring Popular Music from 1940s to Present Day
Please note: this playlist has content that is marked with the naughty [E] so it has some swears
Public Playlist Link on YouTube Music Streaming:
I promise you, I did not actually “have the time” to create a 459 song playlist. Yet doing the research and the relentless organizing of putting it all together has been the joy of my Spring 2024. Curating and compiling it has been the best way for me to chill out at the end of the day or during a break at work.
With these four hundred and fifty-nine songs from around the globe and from the past 75+ years, it feels like I have weaved a spell of sorts. A spell of energizing sounds to motivate me to power through the drudgery of work-a-day life.. The music has kept me energized during arduous days at the library. (As tends to be the case for me at the end of every semester at the college where I work, since I am in charge of course evaluations, which occur at the end, naturally.)
Why 459 Songs?
Nine is my favorite number. This list kept growing. And so I decided to stop at 459 since is a very 9-y number. That’s why.
How Did I Find All These Songs?
That’s the other excellent part of compiling this playlist: gathering suggestions. I have many stories to share. I think I’ll be adding those stories in the future, when I do my deeper commentary on each “act” of the playlist.
This Playlist Is Organized by Theme – I Call Them “Acts”
Of course, anyone is welcome to put this thing on shuffle, but I have put a silly amount of time making this playlist into a kind of caberet show with mulitple acts. (Speaking of Caberet, I did try to add some from that musical, as well as Fiddler on the Roof, but songs from musicals just didn’t fit well in the mix. Alas.)
The Pumped Up Caberet – An Epic Playlist in Multiple Acts
This section is “under construction” and I’ll be adding more in the future.
Here are the “acts” of The Pumped Up Caberet:
- Dinner and a Show
- Cuckoo Time
- Directions for You
- Land of a 1000 Dances
- Na Na Na Ja Ya Ya
- Genres
- Dance on Film
- Just Dance
- When?
- Day
- Night
- It’s Gonna Be MAY
- Time
- Evening
- Wanna
- Lurrrrrve
- Around the World Around the World Around the World Around the World
- International
- Murica
- Tear the Fascists Down
- Freedom
- International Instrumental Interlude
- Travel
- Outta This World
- Pronouns
- I Demand Satisfaction
- Late Stage Capitalism
- Body Parts
- Hands, Arms, Feet
- Follower of Fashion
- To the Eyes
- To the Lips
- Internal stuff (heart, DNA)
- Hair
- Hips
- Bums
- Erm…”snakes”
- The Menagerie
- The Other Woman
- Moving On
- The Newly Single Lady’s Rumshpringa
- So Hot
- Reveling in the Power of Exorcising Fools
- Everybody Chill Out
- Women, Men, and Other Gender Expressions
- Dream Interlude
- Mums Rule
- Title Town
- Brown Chicken Brown Cow (Ssssssssssssexy Tihhhhme)
- Higher and Higher
- Easter Eggs
- Here is where I really hit you over the head with all the songs from Ted Lasso episodes that have been sprinkled throughout this playlist up to now
- Finale
- No Regerts
- This Isn’t the Final Song
- PUMP IT UP – my favorite up-tempo song ever, by Elvis Costello