Notebook Witchery

Upcoming Boston Austen Book Club Titles

The dates for the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 are still To Be Determined, but the titles are set. We will meet again on Jane’s birthday. This is a special celebration because the BABC turns FIVE this year!

Check back here or on the BABC Facebook page for event details.

Upcoming Events – Some Exact Dates Are TBD

  • Fall 2022 (upcoming) – Lady Susan, any edition – mid Nov; date TBD
  • Winter 2022 (upcoming) – Jane Austen Birthday Bash, Dec 16 – Jane and the Twelve Days of Christmas by Stephanie Barron
  • Spring 2023 (upcoming) – Jane Austen’s Letter’s edited by Deirdre LaFaye (either newest or second newest edition) – late March
Notebook Witchery

Unmentionable – Boston Austen Book Club Summer 2022 Meeting

Aug 28 at 1pm via Zoom, “Unmentionable” by Therese O’Neill

Even though some of my literary endeavors may not be directly related to witchcraft and witchery, my own spiritual practice is closely tied to what I’m reading, writing, and consuming in arts and entertainment, so I will also include certain posts about those things here at Notebook Witch.

We’re Going to Talk about Regency Underwear!

The Summer 2022 Boston Austen Book Club will meet to discuss the fascinating non-fiction book “Unmentionable: The Victorian Lady’s Guide to Sex, Marriage, and Manners” by Theresa O’Neill (

While this book focuses on the Victorian Era, Regency Era customs are also discussed. If you’re a weirdo like me and have ever wondered how these beloved Austen characters did things like go to the bathroom or brush their teeth, this book has some answers for you!

The book club will remain online for Summer 2022. We will meet via Zoom on Sunday, August 28 at 1pm ET. Zoom information will be posted the day of the event  for those who RSVP and the Facebook event page. If you’re not on Facebook, you can email Bridget Eileen at to RSVP. 

As always, newcomers are welcome! You can join us from wherever you are. Just read the book and prepare for a lively discussion. This event is free!
Notebook Witchery

New Home Page for the Boston Austen Book Club

I’m making some “personal branding” choices right now, har har. I can’t type that and keep a straight face about it. Who talks like that in earnest???

Anyway, what I am trying to say is that I’ve decided that will be more than just home to its main purpose: a blog about witchcraft and witchery. It will also be home to everything else I am “up to” that I want to promote.

One other thing that I’m up to, though it is not directly related to my spiritual practice as a witch, is being the founder and leader of the Boston Austen Book Club.

The BABC started in Fall 2017. We are coming up to our 5th anniversary! We even survived a pandemic–and in fact expanded as a result. We have had three different Jane Austen authors join us in one way or another. And we have welcomed members from all over the county while on Zoom.

(Though we do miss the delicious food of our original home, The Pleasant Cafe in my old neighborhood of Boston, Roslindale. We hope to be back in 2023!)

And now the “home page” for the Boston Austen Book Club will be here at Notebook Witch,