Notebook Witchery

Spring 2023 Boston Austen Book Club

Jane Austen’s Letters edited by Deirdre Le Faye, 3rd or 4th edition

Saturday, June 3 at 11am, online event

The next meeting of the Boston Austen Book Club will be Saturday, June 3 at 11am, and we will meet online. (We may try for a late Summer in-person meeting, and we can discuss that at the Spring meeting…)

About the Spring 2023 Book

We’ll be discussing Deirdre Le Faye’s collection of Jane Austen’s Letters. (I’m using the 3rd edition; there’s also a 4th edition but there isn’t much difference between those two.)

This will be too much to talk about the whole book, so just go through and read what compels you and when we meet, we’ll each discuss those bits with the group. Some of us may have overlapping interests in the same parts, or not, but together we’ll help each other get a good sense of this comprehensive work. 

If you don’t have a copy of Le Faye’s collection of Austen letters, you can read the free copy available online at and be sure to note the date of the letters you’ve read and want to discuss so we can refer to them during the discussion.

RSVP Information

You can RSVP at the event page on Facebook, or, if you’re not on Facebook, you can email your RSVP. Please make sure your Webex link matches your RSVP information.

All are welcome – new, returning, and regulars!

Spring BABC 2023 Details

  • Who: Boston Austen Book Club – anyone can join; all you have to do is read the book and come to the meeting (and for this season’s selection, you only have to read what you can of the book)
  • What: Deirdre Le Faye’s “Jane Austen’s Letters” -or- the back up free edition of Austen letters
  • When: Saturday, June 3 at 11am
  • Where: Webex Link posted here the day of the event. Check back then! Make sure you RSVP by email or Facebook event page and make sure your RSVP info matches your Webex info
  • How: Read what you like of the book and we’ll discuss our interesting observations together. You don’t need to read cover-to-cover for this one!
  • Why: because it is fun to be a Janeite nerd

Keep Up with Boston Austen Book Club News

Here are the two websites for Boston Austen Book Club news:

Hope to see you on the 3rd of June!

Notebook Witchery

Blazing in Gold and Quenching in Purple

Emily Dickinson’s Poem Illustrated by Bridget Eileen

An Illustrated Version of Emily Dickinson’s Poem ‘Blazing in Gold,’ as Part of a Close Reading Project

Before I polished and primped my critical thesis for my MFA in Creative Writing, I blogged the content of the project. In fact, those posts were the origin of my arts and culture blog. Below is one part of my third semester critical thesis project on the concept of “a close reading of poetry” and what it entails.

In honor of the author India Holton’s latest novel, “The Secret Service of Tea and Treason” I posted some of my illustrations of this poem by Emily Dickinson’s to my Instagram, and I said I posted the whole thing to Notebooke Witch. The poem is quoted during an EXCELLENT scene in the newly released book 🤭 (IYKYK)

Blazing in Gold and quenching in Purple
Leaping like Leopards to the Sky
Then at the feet of the old Horizon
Laying her spotted Face to die
Stooping as low as the Otter’s Window
Touching the Roof and tinting the Barn
Kissing her Bonnet to the Meadow
And the Juggler of Day is gone

~Emily Dickinson

blazing in gold an quneching in purple
Blazing in gold and quenching in Purple
Leaping like leopards across the sky
Leaping like Leopards across the Sky

Then at the feet of the oldhorizon, laying her spotted face to die
Then at the feet of the old Horizon
Laying her Spotted Face to die
Stooping as low as the Otter's Window
Stooping as low as the Otter’s Window

Touching the roof and tinting the Barn
Touching the Roof and tinting the Barn

Kissing her Bonnet to the MeadowKissing her Bonnet to the Meadow

And the Juggler of Day is gone
And the Juggler of Day is gone

View the Close Reading of “Blazing in Gold” that Goes with These Illustrations

These illustrations were created in part to help with an exercise in close reading, that I did as part of my third semester critical thesis project in graduate school. The accompanying close reading can be viewed at:

Notebook Witchery

Boston Austen Book Club – Winter 2022 Meeting

Jane and the Twelve Days of Christmas by Stephanie Barron – Boston Austen Book Club – Winter 2022 Meeting

Jane Austen Birthday Bash! Come celebrate Jane’s 247th Birthday!

The Winter meeting of the Boston Austen Book Club takes place on Jane Austen’s birthday: Friday, Dec 16, at 7:30pm. We will be staying remote for this meeting. Bring your own cake to celebrate Jane’s birthday, and Regency costume attire is encouraged though not at all required. We’ll meet to discuss “Jane and the Twelve Days of Christmas” by Stephanie Barron.

You can RSVP at the event page on Facebook, or, if you’re not on Facebook, you can email your RSVP. Please make sure your Webex link matches your RSVP information

About the Winter 2022 Book

Stephanie Barron (aka Franince Matthews), who is retired from the CIA, has written a series of “cozy” mysteries with Jane Austen as the protagonist. Jane solves a slew of crimes throughout her adult decades. Barron also weaves compelling fictionalized back stories for the little limited factual biographical information we do know about Austen and adds her own personal “spy” background into the characters and events in her Jane Austen mysteries.

You do not need to have read the previous titles in the series to get into the later ones. But if you like mysteries and Regency era stories, I recommend these books. I cannot put them down because they’re all my favorite types of fiction blended in one series.

Winter BABC 2022 Details

  • Who: Boston Austen Book Club – anyone can join; all you have to do is read the book and come to the meeting
  • What: Stephanie Barron’s “Jane and the Twelve Days of Christmas
  • When: Friday, December 16 at 7:30pm
  • Where: Webex Link: Make sure you RSVP by email or Facebook event page and that your RSVP info matches your Webex info
  • How: It’s Jane Austen’s birthday. She is THRIVING at age 247. Wear some Regency attire (optional) to celebrate and bring your own cake and beverage to toast to Jane.
  • Why: because it is fun to be a Regency lit nerd

All are welcome – new, returning, and regulars!

Keep Up with Boston Austen Book Club News

Here are the two websites for Boston Austen Book Club news:

Notebook Witchery

Lady Susan – Fall 2022 Boston Austen Book Club

Sat, Nov 19 at 1pm – Fall 2022 Boston Austen Book Club – “Lady Susan”

The Fall 2022 meeting of the Boston Austen Book Club will be Saturday, November 19 at 1pm via Webex. We will meet to discuss the novella, “Lady Susan” — no specific edition of the book.

Webex Info

The meeting will be held remotely via Webex. Make sure your RSVP information matches your Webex info.

If you cannot RSVP at the Facebook event page or have not RSVPed with Bridget already, send an email with the subject “Lady Susan RSVP” with your name in the email, and make sure that your name matches your Webex info.

Who Is Invited?

As always, the book club is open to new members. All you have to do is read the book and come to the meeting to discuss it.

Save the Date: Winter 2022 BABC, Fri, Dec 16

Also note that our Winter 2022 meeting will be held in the evening on Friday, December 16 in honor of Jane Austen’s birthday. We will meet to discuss the Stephanie Barron Jane Austen Mystery, “Jane and the Twelve Days of Christmas.”

Hope to see you on Sat, 11/19 and Fri, 12/16!

Fall 2022 Boston Austen Book Club Details

  • Who: Boston Austen Book Club; always accepting new members!
  • What: Lady Susan
  • When: Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 1pm
  • Where: Via webex, see this page for webex info on the day of the event
  • How: any edition of the book is acceptable
  • Why: Because we love Jane Austen

Boston Austen Book Club Homepage

Learn more about the Boston Austen Book Club at our new homepage, here at Notebook Witch.

Notebook Witchery

Upcoming Boston Austen Book Club Titles

The dates for the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 are still To Be Determined, but the titles are set. We will meet again on Jane’s birthday. This is a special celebration because the BABC turns FIVE this year!

Check back here or on the BABC Facebook page for event details.

Upcoming Events – Some Exact Dates Are TBD

  • Fall 2022 (upcoming) – Lady Susan, any edition – mid Nov; date TBD
  • Winter 2022 (upcoming) – Jane Austen Birthday Bash, Dec 16 – Jane and the Twelve Days of Christmas by Stephanie Barron
  • Spring 2023 (upcoming) – Jane Austen’s Letter’s edited by Deirdre LaFaye (either newest or second newest edition) – late March
Notebook Witchery

Unmentionable – Boston Austen Book Club Summer 2022 Meeting

Aug 28 at 1pm via Zoom, “Unmentionable” by Therese O’Neill

Even though some of my literary endeavors may not be directly related to witchcraft and witchery, my own spiritual practice is closely tied to what I’m reading, writing, and consuming in arts and entertainment, so I will also include certain posts about those things here at Notebook Witch.

We’re Going to Talk about Regency Underwear!

The Summer 2022 Boston Austen Book Club will meet to discuss the fascinating non-fiction book “Unmentionable: The Victorian Lady’s Guide to Sex, Marriage, and Manners” by Theresa O’Neill (

While this book focuses on the Victorian Era, Regency Era customs are also discussed. If you’re a weirdo like me and have ever wondered how these beloved Austen characters did things like go to the bathroom or brush their teeth, this book has some answers for you!

The book club will remain online for Summer 2022. We will meet via Zoom on Sunday, August 28 at 1pm ET. Zoom information will be posted the day of the event  for those who RSVP and the Facebook event page. If you’re not on Facebook, you can email Bridget Eileen at to RSVP. 

As always, newcomers are welcome! You can join us from wherever you are. Just read the book and prepare for a lively discussion. This event is free!
Notebook Witchery

Tori Amos Book Club – Piece by Piece, Mon, Aug 22 at 8pm ET via Zoom

Even though some of my literary endeavors may not be directly related to witchcraft and witchery, my own spiritual practice is closely tied to what I’m reading, writing, and consuming in arts and entertainment, so I will also include certain posts about those things here at Notebook Witch.

Calling All Ears With Feet: Join the Tori Amos Book Club!

Tori Amos’s Ocean to Ocean North American Tour has ended. What’s an EWF to do with their post-Tori Tour blues? Read books, like the nerds we are, of course!

Tori Amos Book Club – Monday, August 22 at 8pm ET via Zoom to Discuss “Piece by Piece”

To start things off, we’ll celebrate Tori’s birthday by discussing her first book, “Piece By Piece” co-authored by Ann Powers.

On August 22, we’ll come together for a live discussion of the book and new insights the book has provided these many years after it was first published.

RSVP Info for Tori Amos Book Club

The book club meeting will be online via Zoom. The Zoom link will be provided on the day of the event. RSVP at the Facebook Event page. 

Note: if someone you know is not on Facebook but wants to join us, email me to RSVP and check this webpage for the Zoom info, which I’ll post on the bottom of this post on the day of the event!

Join the Tori Amos Book Club Facebook Group

As you (re-)read feel free to post your thoughts in the Tori Amos Book Club!

Future Tori Amos Book Club Events

  • (Keep Up the) Resistance (for the 2022 Mid Terms): middle of October, exact date TBD
  • (Beat the Winter Blues with a) Comic Book Tattoo: early February, exact date TBD
  • Little Earthquakes Graphic Novel: late March, exact date TBD

This should tide us over until the European tour is scheduled to start!!! If all goes well, we will add other titles to our list, like Jason Elijah’s curation of Tori quotes, The Myth of Tori, books 1 and 2, and  biographies we like.

Bridget Eileen’s Other Literary Events

Check out my Links Page for info on my other literary endeavors, like the Boston Austen Book Club and the Boston Poetry Marathon

Notebook Witchery

Boston Poetry Marathon 2022

Even though some of my literary endeavors may not be directly related to witchcraft and witchery, my own spiritual practice is closely tied to what I’m reading, writing, and consuming in arts and entertainment, so I will also include certain posts about those things here at Notebook Witch.

Bridget Eileen Returns as an Artistic Director and Organizer for the Boston Poetry Marathon

Since 2017, I have been one of the Boston Poetry Marathon organizers and artistic directors. The 3-day poetry reading festival is jam-packed with 100+ poets reading 7 minutes a-piece. If you think it seems like a lot of work, YOU ARE RIGHT! Hahaha. (Slowly loses mind…) Read all about this year’s event below! Hope you can make it or tune in!

Boston Poetry Marathon 2022

Aug 5- 7

  • Friday, August 5 – Online Only, 4-11pm
  • Saturday & Sunday, August 6 and 7 – In-person at the Community Church of Boston in Copley Square, doors at 12:30pm

Admission is free but donations are welcome and appreciated. Come to the Community Church of Boston on Saturday and Sunday. Tune in to our Facebook and YouTube channels to watch live all weekend long.

The Boston Poetry Marathon is an all-volunteer effort. 2022 proceeds will go to organizations that support reproductive freedom and abortion care, The Womxn Project and the Eastern Massachusetts Abortion Fund.

Learn more at

Social Media Information

Modern Witchcraft Notebook Witchery

The Truth about Witchcraft Today by Scott Cunningham

Book Review: The Truth about Witchcraft Today by Scott Cunningham, first published in 1987

This is actually an “oldie but goodie” as far as #witchbooks go but I will never understand this cover. Ever. 😆

Someone said maybe it looks like this to convey that yes, even “young women in 1980s businesswear with jobs that require briefcases can be and are witches.” 🤔🤷🏼‍♀️

I guess back then, as now, there’s all sorts of people about with the misconception that witchcraft has anything to do with devil-worship? When anyone with an ounce of sense knows that the fictional entity called “the devil” is a purely Christian construct.

A poet friend, @gildedy made me remember this cover because she has a whole other cover to submit to the “Misleading Covers Sweepstakes” so thanks for the inspo, Gilmore. 

This short but comprehensive books, first published over 35 years ago, has a lot of information that is still relevant today. I think it’s a good place to start for self-described baby witches, or others who are magick/pagan/witch curious.

It’s is still available for sale, and I bought mine at Better World Books, but you can also find it on Amazon and other online book sellers.

Notebook Witchery

Our Mother (The Earth’s Prayer)

Poem Prayer for Neopagans to Recite During the Lord’s Prayer

A poem-prayer for neopagans, witches, and other people with an earth-based spiritual practice to recite during the Lord’s Prayer

A little while ago, I was at a wake for an uncle of mine and the service ended with the Lord’s Prayer. I wanted to pray, too, but I’m not Christian at all (I know some people identify as Christian witches). So, I decided I would write something I could say instead of the Lord’s Prayer.

I kept with the rhythm of the Lord’s Prayer and many of the words, if not the consonance of them, as often as I could. That way, it will be easier to either insert the variation into my head (& thus heart) or even say it aloud, without being intrusive to those who are reciting their prayer.

And now I’m sharing with you, in case you find it helpful as well! Please keep it however you need to in order to make it useful for yourself. If you share it on, I do appreciate the credit ♥️

Our Mother (The Earth’s Prayer)

Our Mother, who art within us
Honored be thy work
Thy loving light
Thy giving dark
This Earth, it is our heaven
Give us the strength to honor you
And help us listen, too
That we listen well the lessons you teach us
And lead us always with your nature
Which is neither good nor evil
For thine is a cycle
A power to be gloried
Forever and ever
Bless’d Be

poem by Bridget Eileen